Cáis Gabhar is Gaelic for Goat Cheese. It’s a nod towards Our Cheesemaker Gerard’s years in Ireland which provided an inspiration for these wheels. Its a tricky name to pronounce correctly but simply its pronounced ‘Kosh Go-er’.

This cheese is a naturally rinded mild cheddar style, with a texture similar to Manchego and a sharp, yet long earthy finish. Aged a minimum of three months, Cáis Gabhar gathers a notable complexity in flavour and length of finish as it nears 6 months of age and beyond.

The wheels are washed and turned each week which contributes to the development of the flavours and complexity of the sweet earthy aroma.

It pairs well with a lovely quince paste or tart jam. Wine matches include Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Burgundy or a lighter style Shiraz.

Cáis Gabhar

Irish Style Farmhouse Cheddar


White Goat